We are truly grateful for your generosity and hope that the convenience of online giving will be helpful to you. We consider ourselves stewards of your financial contributions, which are God’s resources. Therefore, we use them create opportunities for people to have life change. We also partnering with other organizations locally, nationally and globally. Scripture tells us that tithing, which is 10% of our income given to the local church, is a form of worship. We know it isn't always possible to start with 10% so we encourage you to start somewhere. We would love for you to be a percentage giver.

In 2023, we are looking to add 30 new consistent givers to help counterbalance the deficit in giving we have experienced post-Covid. Consistent giving allows us to budget for the future and continue our ministries. We would love for you to be one of the 30. You can set up a recurring tithe by clicking the PushPay button below.


Scripture also talks about offerings, which is when you give above your tithe. We want you to prayerfully consider giving an offering to The Expanse, our campaign to raise $500,000. Our goal is to build a gymnasium in one of our current facilities and to purchase additional space to house What if Everyone, our outreach and missions initiative. In our area of the city, there is a need for space like this, where the community can come in to host larger events, where schools can have game and practice space for athletic teams and where our own youth will have room to invite their friends into all kinds of activities. We believe God is going to use these additional spaces to expand our reach as an epicenter of hope for the families in our area.